Committed to promoting goodwill through basketball

 Constitution and By-Laws




Section 1 – Group Name: 
  The name of the group shall be The Hoop Historians.
Section 2 – Group Overview:   The Hoop Historians is a group of individuals who have a wide range of basketball backgrounds.  The group includes former and present coaches, officials and supporters of the game of basketball.    The group's alliance with attending the men’s college basketball Final Four dates back to the early sixties in some instances, however, the group has collectively met annually at the Final Four site since the early 1990's.  Through their love of the game, they have been an unofficial goodwill ambassador for the sport of basketball, by sharing their past experiences, renewing old acquaintances and meeting new ones, and continuing to promote the game through education and goodwill.

Section 3 – Mission Statement:
  Sharing the past experiences of our members to promote the great game of basketball through education and goodwill.
Section 4 – Group Motto
  Committed to promoting goodwill through basketball.

Section 1 – Eligibility for membership:
  For consideration to be a member, the nominee must have attended a minimum of three men’s college basketball Final Fours and must have been a “Friend of the Hoop Historians” for at least one year.  Prospective members must submit an application to the membership committee.  New members to the Hoop Historians may be approved at the Annual Meeting by a 75% affirmative vote of the eligible members present. 
Section 2 – Annual dues: All members in good standing must maintain annual dues as determined by the board of directors.  Yearly membership will run from May 1 to April 30 of each year. 

Section 3 – Rights of member:
 Each member in good standing will be entitled to have one vote at the annual meeting and at all committee and special meetings that require a vote of the membership.
Section 4 – Honorary Membership:
  Individuals that have distinguished themselves by giving their time and service to promoting goodwill through basketball may be considered for Honorary Membership.  Honorary Members may or may not have met the qualifications for regular membership.  Individuals to be considered for Honorary Membership in the Hoop Historians, must be nominated by a current Hoop Historians member and receive a 75% affirmative vote of the eligible members present at the annual meeting.  Honorary members will have no voting privileges and pay no membership dues.

Section 1 – Annual meeting:  The Hoop Historians will hold its annual meeting at the site of the city or surrounding area of the Final Four location during the extended Final Four weekend.  The date, time and location of which will be designated by the Executive Director.  Members in good standing who have paid their annual dues will be allowed to participate in the meeting.  Voting will be limited to one vote per each paid membership of those present at the annual meeting.  No absentee or proxy voting will be allowed at the annual meeting.  At the Annual Meeting, eligible voters shall elect directors, elect new members, receive reports on the activities of the group and determine the direction of the group for the coming year. Any new items may be submitted by a member in good standing for voting consideration.  An annual financial report will be submitted and approved at the annual meeting.
Section 2 – Special meetings:  Special meetings may be called by Executive Director, or by a simple majority of the Board of Directors.
Section 3 – Notice of meetings:
  Advanced notice of each meeting shall be communicated to each voting member by regular mailing or e-mailing and on the Hoop Historians website no later than seven days prior to the date of said meeting.
Section 4 – Quorum:  The members present at any properly announced meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5 – Voting procedures:  All items, with the exception of membership consideration and Constitution and By-Law changes, shall be decided by a simple majority of those present at the meeting in which the vote takes place.  All membership consideration shall be decided by a 75% affirmative vote of those present at the meeting in which the vote takes place.  Constitution and by-law changes shall be submitted to the entire membership for a vote via electronic and regular mail service


Section 1 – Structure of Officers:
  There will be five seats on the Board of Directors, which will be elected at the annual meeting.  The Board is responsible for overall policy and direction of the group. The Board will appoint and delegate day-to-day responsibility to an Executive Director.  All members of the Board of Directors will occupy a seat on the Executive Board Committee.
Section 2 – Eligibility:  Board of Director Members must have been a member in good standing of the Hoop Historians for at least three consecutive years prior to serving on the Board.
Section 3 – Terms: 
 All Board members shall serve one or two-year terms, but will be eligible for re-election without limitation.
Section 4 – Board elections:
 New directors and current directors shall be elected or re-elected by the entire membership of those present at the annual meeting. Directors will be elected by a simple majority of members present at the annual meeting. The candidates receiving the highest amount of votes will be elected.  In the event of a tie in voting for one of the remaining positions, an additional election run-off will be held with those individuals.
Section 5 – Nomination procedures
  Nominations to the Board of Directors shall be accepted by the Executive Director prior to March 1 from any member. 
Section 6 – Chairman of the Board
  Once the Board of Directors has been elected, the Board will appoint an individual from the Board, who will serve as chairperson of the Executive Committee.  This individual will be the leader of the Board of Directors and will ensure that the group abides by its bylaws and established policies. 
Section 7 – Electronic voting:
  Board of Directors may vote on issues and set policy of the group by means of electronic communication (e-mails) and/or telecommunication voice votes to expedite election procedures.
Section 8 – Vacancies:
In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, the seat(s) will remain open until the next annual meeting.

Section 1 – Executive Director:
  The executive director is appointed by the Board of Directors.  There is no term limit for this position.  The executive director has day-to-day responsibilities for the group, including carrying out the group’s goals and policies. Those duties include, but are not limited to: providing timely communication to members and Friends of the Hoop Historians, through newsletters, website updates, and e-mails; maintaining an active membership roster of members in good standing and Friends of the Hoop Historians; collection, deposit and bookkeeping of financial records (including membership dues status) and providing a monthly financial statement to the Board of Directors for review; processing and distribution of new membership applications; producing and distributing annual membership directory materials; and any other duties assigned by the Board of Directors.
Section 2 – Committee membership:
  The Executive Director will be an ex-officio member of all committees and will have no voting privileges on those committees. 
Section 3 – Annual Meeting:
  The Executive Director will chair the annual meeting and conduct all parliamentary and voting procedures at the meeting.


Section 1 — Committee formation:  
All committees listed in Article VI will be standing committees.  The Executive Committee may create additional permanent or temporary ad hoc committees as needed.  The Chairman of the Board with concurrence by the Board appoints all committee chairs.  Committee chairs must have been a member of the Hoop Historians for a minimum of two (2) years.  All members in good standing are eligible to serve on any committee other than the Executive Committee.
Section 2 — Executive Committee: 
  The Board of Directors and Executive Director will serve as the members of the Executive Committee.  Except for the power to amend the Constitution and bylaws, the Executive Committee is authorized to make decisions on behalf of the entire membership. 
Section 3 – Compliance Committee:
  The Compliance Committee supervises all aspects of finance, examines contracts and assists with legal interpretation of the Hoop Historians.  The committee will also be responsible for an annual review (audit) of all financial activity.
Section 4 – Membership Committee:
  The Membership Committee is responsible for review of new membership applications; and secures any outstanding information from such applicants.  The committee will also assist with membership drive efforts of existing members in order to insure that dues are collected by the imposed deadline.
Section 5 – Public Affairs Committee:
  The Public Affairs Committee works with media involvement for the promotion of the Hoop Historians.  The committee will also interact with local organizations for group involvement.
Section 6 – Social & Entertainment Committee:
  The Social & Entertainment Committee will focus on the location and reservation of the Annual Welcome Dinner.  In addition, the committee will provide assistance with Final Four hospitality and assist with regional social gatherings throughout the year as necessary.


Section 1 – Amendments: 
 These bylaws may be amended when necessary by a 75% majority of the entire membership of the group.
Section 2 – Effective Date
:  Any proposed amendment to the Constitution and bylaws which receives the necessary 75% vote majority of the entire membership of the group shall take effect immediately.

Bylaws Approved:  6/15/2009 -- Amended 6/3/2010


Annual Membership Dues
 - An Annual Membership fee of $40 per individual will be collected on an annual basis.  Membership will run from May 1 to April 30 of each year.  Only members in good standing will be able to participate in officially sanctioned Hoop Historians activities.  Benefits of being a member include, but are not limited to:  Official Membership Card; Inclusion in Membership Directory; Biography on Hoop Historians Website; Website Links to Your Favorite Teams; Invitation to Annual Dinner; Full Voting Privileges; Eligibility for Committee Appointments; Eligibility to purchase Hoop Historians Merchandise at a discount; Eligibility for Ticket Opportunities through Hoop Historians Networking.  Individuals whose membership lapses will be required to submit a $10 re-instatement fee.  Approved:  March 30, 2006 -- Amended June 15, 2009 -- Amended May 3, 2010 -- Amended April 2, 2016 -- Amended December 13, 2022.

New Membership Criteria - Individuals who apply for membership must include a refundable $40 fee with their application.  If they are selected, that fee will go towards their annual dues payment for the following year.  If the individual does not get the sufficient number of votes, then the money will be returned in full.  New membership applications must be submitted to the Hoop Historians no later than March 1 of each year in order for the nomination to be voted upon at the annual meeting.  Approved: May 19, 2008 -- Amended April 2, 2016  -- Amended December 13, 2022.

Honorary Membership Criteria – To qualify for an Honorary Membership, an individual must have distinguished themselves by giving their time and service to promoting goodwill through basketball (current or past employment), or have been recognized for their contributions to the game of basketball (awards, appointments, or meritorious service to the game).  An individual must also have shared their past basketball experiences with the Hoop Historians.  Honorary Members may or may not have met the qualifications for regular membership.  Honorary Members will receive all of the benefits of membership except that they will be exempt from the membership fee, will have no voting privileges and their personal information will not be included in the Membership Directory.  Individuals to be considered for Honorary Membership in the Hoop Historians, must be nominated by a current Hoop Historians member and receive a 75% affirmative vote of the eligible members present at the annual meeting.  A paragraph summarizing the reason for Honorary Membership consideration must accompany the nomination request and be submitted to the Hoop Historians no later than March 1 of each year in order for the nomination to be voted upon at the annual meeting.   Approved: May 19, 2008. 

Final Four Ticket Distribution Policy - In the event that the Hoop Historians Networking secures Final Four tickets, extra Final Four Tickets will be available on the Saturday of the semi-finals at 10:00 AM at a site to be determined.  Hoop Historians members in good standing will have the opportunity to purchase tickets.  You must be present at the time of the distribution and all purchases must be made in cash in full.  Priority will be given on a seniority basis to members in good standing and will be available to those in need of tickets.  If all members present at the distribution have tickets, any additional tickets will be offered at that time to Friends of the Hoop Historians. It is understood that tickets should be utilized for Hoop Historians members and Friends of the Hoop Historians.  Individuals who purchase extra tickets through the Hoop Historians and are found to have resold their tickets at a profit will be excluded from all future ticket opportunities to purchase tickets with assistance from the Hoop Historians.  Approved:  March 30, 2006 -- Amended June 15, 2009.